長山太一 ながやまたいち
1973年生まれ 高知県高岡郡中土佐町在住
2017 RANGAI展
2017 初・個展
「アジア国際美術祭」 (兵庫県/2017)
(2018)藁工ミュージアム 個展
2018 高知こども図書館・個展
2018 RANGAI展・個展 Live Painting
2019 喫茶スプーン グループ展
〈出展歴〉 「アジア国際美術祭」(兵庫県/2017)
「第21回スピリットアート(高知障害者美術展)」(高知県立美術館/2017)絵画の部 入選
2018 国際書画展・佳作 国立新美術館 2月4日まで開催
2019 国際書画展・入選
2019 高知県展 初入選
Taichi Nagayama ( 長山太一, 1973- ) lives in Nakatosa-cho, Takaoka-gun, Kochi prefecture, Japan.
Nagayama began expressing his own thoughts in September 2016, and started writing poems and announcing them at SNS. After that, seeing an abstract picture, he began to draw pictures on papers with the thought, “Maybe I could draw pictures as well”.
Firstly, he drew with pastels, but it was after finding out about acrylic paints that the curving styles that became his trademark can be seen today.
When he uses acrylic paints, he does not mix colors. The parts using acrylic paint with pearls that shows different expressions instead depend on the viewing angles and the degree of light reflection
Distinctive thick curves are drawn using processed plastics.
He call himself "心想画家"(The pronunciation of these Chinese-letters is the same as the phrase, “I want to draw ”in the Chinese language). On one canvas, he expresses various thoughts in his mind, and we can feel his poetry on the titles to be added to the work by himself.
Angles and shining in the light Pearl overlaps in the curvy titles, so by these three that are fused, then Nagayama’s work resonates in the hearts of viewers, and it has become a deep thing.
Although having drawn actively for only two years, he now has 200 pieces total. Even now, he continues to draw new works. Now he is working in oil paintings and he will continue to draw.
(Exhibit history)
Asian International Exchange Exhibition (Hyogo,2017), Spirit Art Exhibition Painting Section Selected (Kochi Prefectural Museum of Art, 2017) Art Connectivity that Connects with Mind (2018)